diamond structure model

We warmly welcome you to the first meeting of the Austrian Crystallographers.

For many years without a joint meeting, mainly due to the lack of a national crystallographic society in Austria, there was no real opportunity for the researchers working in crystallography to exchange ideas beyond the respective disciplines of application.

Together with NESY and its winter school, we want to launch an initiative and set a starting point for "Austrian Crystallographer Days". With this first joint meeting, we hope to be able to offer a platform that will make this possible on a regular basis in the future.

Ronald Miletich, Klaudia Hradil, Anton Meinhart,
on behalf of the Nationalkommittee für Kristallographie der ÖAW

Rainer T. Lechner, Oskar Paris, Heike Noll, Nadine Aichberger
Local Organizers of NESY-WS


  • Ronald Miletich, Vorstand des Nationalkommittees für Kristallographie der ÖAW
  • Universität Wien
    Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallographie
    Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2 (UZA II)
    1090 Wien
  • ronald.miletich-pawliczek@univie.ac.at